SNIPPP (Spay & Neuter Intermountain Pets & Pet Placement)
PO Box 223
McArthur, CA 96056
(530) 336-6006

  Search Successes
Tom's Web Page

Siamese / Mixed  : :  Male (not neutered)  : :  Young  : :  Medium

My Rescue
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Please Note: This animal is listed as a courtesy to another organization. Please be sure to contact the foster/caretaker for more information about him.

Contact Tom's Caretaker/Foster Directly: Kris (, (530) 941-6649

About Tom

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Adoption Fee: no fee
  • Species: Cat
  • Current Age: 13 Years 10 Months (best estimate)
Tom is a courtesy listing; please call Linda at 530 336-5898 for more information.

I'm Tom--I was rescued by a woman who has given me a place to hang around and she is getting me neutered on November 28, but she isn't able to keep me long-term, because she'll soon be moving to a place where I'm not allowed. I am a nice guy--I would love to become your pet cat--or could you at least just give me a place to live and feed me?

PLEASE READ: Information regarding "Courtesy Listing" pets is provided by the individual who has the animal and is not guaranteed by SNIPPP to be accurate or complete. Verifying the health status and behavior of any pet found, adopted through, or listed on SNIPPP's Website or SNIPPP's listings on other sites is the sole responsibility of you as an adopting party, and by using this service, the adopting party releases SNIPPP from any and all liability arising out of or in any way connected with the adoption of a pet listed on the SNIPPP Website.

More about Tom

Good with Cats