SNIPPP (Spay & Neuter Intermountain Pets & Pet Placement)
PO Box 223
McArthur, CA 96056
(530) 336-6006

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Animal Success Stories
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Sam is doing great...he's in great health. He's doing so much better, looks like a different dog now, he's not afraid of dogs anymore, he's still a little bit unsure about people when they approach him, but after a few seconds he's already their best friend :)..... oh....and he already has a girlfriend, Roxy, our next door neighbor's dog, when they see each other in the yard, they just run together along the fences (she is on the other side) and they kiss each other through the fences...... they are so cute!!!!! :) Here we are last Sunday down at the bay just a mile from my house, he loves to walk with us and he's so curious, especially of seagulls, he just stops looks at them for few seconds..... and then goes into the hunting mode..... but obviously when he gets to them they are already gone!!! Monica R.